
Showing posts with the label Friends and family
Catwalking from Muizenberg to Kalk Bay Jenny, Sharon, Carol and Naomi at Surfer's Corner Our History You could probably say we are like a Friends Forever Foursome. Carol, Naomi, Jenny and I have been friends since primary school - well,that is in the case of Carol,Jenny and I. I met Naomi when we moved into 10th Avenue, Retreat, when we were finally offered a council-owned property.  So, for the greater part of four decades, we have known one another and as life is, we drifted and set up our own lives. Naomi and I have been inseparable,of course. We had an unwritten pact to see each other at least twice in a year. On such dates we would spend hours talking through the night, consuming tons of cigarettes and at least a bottle of red wine.  Legs-ercise - Warming up for the walk However, last year we decided to have a reunion with the other muskateers and that is how the four of us have rejuvenated our circle of friendship . This is the best decision we have made because our planned g