Breakfast with School Principals of Metro South, Circuit 1, on a Saturday morning

Calling all Heads on a Saturday morning...
Why would we invite our school principals to a breakfast to hand over certificates of appreciation? Why not just have those ‘forever’ meetings with a ‘draft’ agenda entitled “Affirming our Heads” as per normal and then crack your brain thinking up ways to create ambience to keep everyone awake, long enough to walk the aisle to collect the certificate?
Finding creative ways to honour School Heads

The start of the certificate ceremony

Don’t get me wrong – there is a dire need for such meetings or occasions to engage our Heads of school and we MUST have them. Even run the risk of seeing those droopy heads and getting those stolid looks sending telepathic messages of: ‘would an e-mail not have served the same purpose?’ 
However, there are those opportunities to do something differently. We can find spaces and time to show our Heads that we appreciate them and their uneviable mission. In fact, we are humbled by their oft superhuman strength of endurance and deep sense of moral purpose to provide our learners with measurable, tangible quality learning. And, that is why we chose to host an Appreciation and Affirmation ceremony for our Heads – all 38 of them!

Happy educators make happy schools

Such happiness

joyous moments

School Heads are the Lifeblood of schools
Just as a well-balanced breakfast is considered your most important meal – the precursor to get all those neuro-transmitters in top form, so is the research-proven role of an exemplary School Head the lifeblood of a well functioning, top-performing school. Yes, we are all aiming to become top performers for our children, for our communities  and the road is loooooooong.

During the certificate handover

Such energy

Thank you
Yet, while all of us are on this Edu-Comrades marathon, we will pause occasionally to say: Thank you. You humble us with your spirit of generosity to transform the kernels of willing, eager learners into oaks of stature. Aluta continua!
The thanks from our Sullivan Head, Ernest

Listening attentively
A few of the Circuit Team members with Glen van Harte, our director

Glen van Harte, District Director of Metro South and a happy educator



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