Here are the links to posts about reading in this blog.

I have decided to group the blog links for six posts that are dedicated to reading advocacy in our schools.

1.     A case for a national reading campaign

In the post,  We need an ambitious national reading campaign beyond the classroom, I reference the Cuban literacy campaign that was driven by the government of the day.  I argue that we too, have the resources to promote and sustain a national reading campaign, if we are serious about lifting our children's performance.

2.     Reading Programmes at School should be supported by a sound school and classroom infrastructure.

In  Six fundamental elements that should form the backbone of your school's reading strategy.  I suggest six elements that schools should consider when they embark on a whole-school reading strategy. These strategies are being implemented by schools where a good reading culture is established.

3.  World Book Day is celebrated by schools.

World Book Day 2015 is one of the highlights on primary school calendars, celebrates school's efforts to highlight reading books.

4.    The Reading 40-books per learner campaign

Besides providing an overview of the our advocacy to promote reading in the schools we serve, the post ( link below) also aims to show that building a reading culture at school takes an enormous amount of time and effort. Schools must be in for the long haul and commit to the process of establishing themselves as reading schools.

 Reviewing the Reading 40 Books per Learner Campaign in the  Lavender Hill-Steenberg Schools .

5.    Sun Valley Primary School helps children and their parents find time to read more.

In the Sun Valley Primary School says no to conventional homework AND yes to a personalized homework policy post, the school heavily promotes independent reading.  

6.    Unpacking the complexities of reading comprehension.

The post. Help children to read more effectively: Expand their cultural experiences of the world, is part of a two-part series on discussing why teachers need to understand what factors are involved in comprehension so that they can help their children learn to become proficient readers and speakers.

 I hope you enjoyed this series of links on reading.


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