Staff Appreciation Days should be the norm at schools.

I know many schools have their own Staff Appreciation Day and that's brilliant. And, I HOPE they include all the non-educators on this day as well. There are SO many wonderful souls working at schools. I am, of course, privileged to interact with the non-teaching staff members at schools when I visit. After having been off sick for three weeks, I am now visiting the schools again. The reception I receive at all the schools makes me feel like the prodigal son! Before I can engage the school principal, the admin staff and the ground staff also want to chat and welcome me back. They show no reserve. We get ourselves all tangled in hugs, greetings, health enquiries and well wishes until everybody is satisfied that all is well. I love the response of the school heads when these exchanges take place. They do not try to stop these conversations and often just stand in the background, enjoying and silently approving this display of mutual affection. At one school, just after ...