Today was fantastic. The day started on a high note. The birds were having their early morning breakfast talk in the Brazilian pepper tree in our backyard and the sun was already beaming its energy across the skies from seven o clock.
My programme was sorted. Today was Brett and Geraldine Time. I was not going to touch anything related to work.
Tramway supporters with Peter and Brett. |
At the #C.T.T.F.A Soccer Finals in Somerset West
Our first trip was to the C.T.T.F.A Senior Soccer Knockout Finals held at the De Beers A.F.C soccer fields in Somerset West. Tramway F.C was a finalist in one of the divisions and our eldest son, Brett, was playing.
There is very little that can beat the atmosphere at soccer tournaments. Cheering crowds, beer and food gardens, umpire whistles, vuvuzelas - heaven!
Tramway F.C. Winners with their coach |
Tramway had the best supporters in the house. Peter, one of the Brett's teammates, brought along his workers to the tournament. Whenever Peter or any Tramway attacked or defended well, a chorus of approval and cheering vuvuzelas followed from these supporters. Then after a quick jive - with me joining in - all eyes would be on the match again. Tramway won the match and were crowned the winners in their section.
Visiting Geraldine at Lotus River Home for the Aged
Our next activity was to visit my sister-in-law, Geraldine, at the Lotus River Home for the aged. Geraldine is relatively young, but she needs 24-hour frail care.
I had knitted a knee throw for her and couldn't wait to see her excitement. Eddie, her eldest son, also popped in.
Geraldine with her knee throw crocheted by yours truly. |
Eddie had brought his mom lovely treats which Geraldine was obviously more interested in. You can clearly see the love between Mom and son. Eddie straightened Geraldine's sweater, ruffled her hair while he spoke and showed her pictures of her grandson's Matric Ball. During our conversation in the sun, I learn that Eddie visits his mom at least once a week, he had set up a a TV in her room and he has commissioned a local hairdresser to style Geraldine's hair once a week.
I gained renewed respect for this young man who has a clear idea of how to love and care for his mom. Eddie knows they had to make a difficult choice to place a Geraldine in this frail care facility, but he and his brother, Newton, are still there all the time for their mom. Many folk are so easily forgotten by their loved ones, a sad reality.
All too soon the time passed. We said our goodbyes, promising to visit soon again.
And the finale to my day? A looooooong siesta ... Well earned for a hectic week that was...
Me and my handsome firstborn, Brett. |
Brett and his teammates with their trophy |
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